Do You Know The Symptom Of Pregnancy After IUI

 IUI is usually required in cases of male infertility or single women who want to get pregnant . In this procedure, the semen sample collected is washed and processed in the lab at the time of ovulation of the woman, and the doctor of infertility centre in Lucknow place these sperms in the woman's uterus through a thin plastic catheter tube known as IUI canula !  This scientific process is almost like natural reproduction. Depending on the situation in some cases, medicines are also given to women for increasing the ovulation and this increasing the chances of conception. The most important requirement for  IUI is that woman's Fallopian tubes should be open and patent so that egg can travel from ovaries to tube and sperm which is inseminated can reach there and fertilise the egg to form the embryo/baby .

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What is the difference between natural IUI and IUI with fertility medicine?

Natural IUI- Whether or not you have to be given any fertility medicine along with the IUI procedure would depend upon your cause of infertility, age and any other associated factor .

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The IUI where no medications for increasing the egg size are given is a natural cycle IUI. In this,  one has to visit the Infertility centre in Lucknow where ultrasound monitoring is done regularly to check for the increasing size of egg and once ready then detect for  natural ovulation. Once ovulation occurs, doctors performs  an IUI procedure within 24 hours of follicular rupture which could be roughly day 12 to day 16 of the natural menstrual cycle depending upon patient to patient .

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IUI with fertility medicine: If you have any kind of fertility problem associated with decreased ovulation, borderline ovarian reserve or low Amh, IUI in old age etc., then fertility drugs are used to increase the chances of conception. This is called IUI with ovulation Induction.

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Ovulation Induction- In this patient is given fertility medicines right from the beginning of the menstrual cycle from day ⅔ .This causes more egg formation and increases the chances of pregnancy. After this, the development of eggs is monitored through ultrasound and if required hormone injections are also given to support the growth of eggs. Once eggs are mature injection for rupture is given and then IUI is done between 24 and 40 hours after the injection.

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 How is IUI done ? 

IUI Procedure: If you are Using your husband ‘s sperm, then on that day of IUI,your husband will be asked to come along at the infertility centre .Your partner in the clinic will be asked to give a sample of the semen. Then the sperm will be washed and cleaned from the semen in the lab and will be processed and prepared for IUI. If you are taking the help of a sperm donor, its sperms are already present in the lab in form of frozen samples which can be warmed and then processed for donor IUI procedure.

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Once processed semen sample is ready then the doctor in infertility centre in Lucknow will ask you to lie down on the table and after making you comfortable would take a thin plastic catheter tube known as IUI canula from your vulva to cervix and gently insert through cervix for a very short distance .During this time you may have mild pain. Now with the help of this tube, clean sperm will be placed in your uterus.

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After this, the doctor of the top  IVF center in Lucknow will ask you to lie down for some time with pillows under your buttock or elevated leg end of the table for another 15-20 minutes .After this rest ,you are fine and can go home along with medicines to support the pregnancy which one has to take for next 15-16 days and wait for periods to miss .

You do not have to worry that your walking or working will cause the sperm to come out, as they will be placed in your you can go to office or on work from next day .

Symptoms of pregnancy after IUI 

About two weeks after the IUI process, the following symptoms can be seen in patients .

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Missing of periods: A patient can miss her period after 15-16 days of IUI which suggests that there could be pregnancy or it could be the effect of progesterone supplements given during post IUI phase to support the pregnancy .Once menstruation stops, you should immediately contact a doctor and get a urine or blood test for confirmation of pregnancy.

Bleeding: When the embryo is implanted on the wall of the uterus, bleeding may begin.This bleeding can be like spotting. This happens only about two weeks after the IUI process.Keep in mind that bleeding does not happen in every case.It is completely normal and may be the first sign of conception but one needs to seek the doctor and consult.During this time you may also feel slight abdominal discomfort .

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Breast tenderness: You may feel sensitivity, softness and mild pain in the breasts.

Weakness and tiredness: With the changes in the body, you may feel tired and

 How many cycles of IUI are necessary to become pregnant?

Some women conceive at first, then some take time. If you are under 35, top IVF centers in Lucknow recommend three to six cycles of IUI. At the same time, if the age is 35 years or more, the chances of conceiving through IUI are significantly reduced and upto 3 cycles of IUI can be tried and if conception doesn’t happen then should seek higher treatment after consulting a good infertility specialist. 

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